
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Accessories/doc

return {
  Lantern = {
    id = 8300,
    name = 'Lantern',
    description = 'A small, useful light that leaves your main hand free.',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Common',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+4 glow',
  OrbLantern = {
    id = 8301,
    name = 'Orb Lantern',
    description = 'A better, brighter version of off-hand light to carry around.',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+5 glow',
      '+9% mining damage',
  SmallLantern = {
    id = 8302,
    name = 'Small Lantern',
    description = 'A weak light to be carried in the off-hand.',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Common',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+3 glow',
  PumpkinLantern = {
    id = 8303,
    name = 'Pumpkin Lantern',
    description = 'A scary, yet cozy lantern carved from a vegetable. Don\'t smash it, it brings bad luck.',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+4 glow',
      '+0.5 health every sec',
  WoodShield = {
    id = 8320,
    name = 'Wooden Shield',
    description = 'A useful off-hand item to block hits from enemies.',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Common',
    mechanic = 1,
    mechanicValue = 0.7,
    mechanicDescription = 'Off-hand use: Shield yourself and reduce any incoming damage by 70%',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+9 armor',
  PoisonousShield = {
    id = 8321,
    name = 'Toxic Defender',
    description = 'A shield covered in toxic grime. Has a chance to poison enemies when blocking attacks.',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    mechanic = 1,
    mechanicValue = 0.7,
    mechanicDescription = 'Off-hand use: Shield yourself and reduce any incoming damage by 70%',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+17 armor',
      '+24% chance to apply poison when blocking melee hits, reduces enemy healing received by 75%',
  OctarineShield = {
    id = 8322,
    name = 'Octarine Shield',
    description = 'An extremely durable shield infused with energy that increases health while holding it.',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    mechanic = 1,
    mechanicValue = 0.7,
    mechanicDescription = 'Off-hand use: Shield yourself and reduce any incoming damage by 70%',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+37 max health',
      '+20 armor',
  SwiftFeather = {
    id = 8340,
    name = 'Swift Feather',
    description = 'A mysterious feather that allows you to dash out of danger.',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Common',
    mechanic = 2,
    mechanicValue = 2,
    mechanicDescription = 'Off-hand use: Dash forward at 200% movement speed',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = false,
  AzeosSwiftFeather = {
    id = 8341,
    name = 'Azeos\' Dash Feather',
    description = 'A colorful talon feather from Azeos, the Sky Titan. By holding it you can dash at a high speed.',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    mechanic = 2,
    mechanicValue = 2.5,
    mechanicDescription = 'Off-hand use: Dash forward at 250% movement speed',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+4.6% movement speed',
  CavelingSkinTome = {
    id = 8350,
    name = 'Blue Leather Tome',
    description = 'An ancient book with stitched blue covers. Is that skin?',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    partOfSetItems = 'SkullRingAndNecklace',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+21.6% range damage',
  GoldenJellyfish = {
    id = 8351,
    name = 'Golden Jellyfish',
    description = 'This rare jellyfish seems to do well without water and apparently it likes your company.',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+1.9 health every sec',
  CavelingID = {
    id = 8352,
    name = 'Caveling ID',
    description = 'A sturdy card that once belonged to a citizen of the forlorn metropolis. It\'s thousand of years old but the excellent print hasn\'t faded.',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+10% dodge chance',
  TurtleShell = {
    id = 8353,
    name = 'Turtle Shell',
    description = 'A hard shell that once belonged to a graceful sea creature. You feel much more protected when holding it.',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+32 armor',
      '+9% reduced damage taken from bosses',
  OmorothBeak = {
    id = 8354,
    name = 'Omoroth\'s Beak',
    description = 'The sharp mouth piece of Omoroth, the Sea Titan. It seems to be able to crush every material. ',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+29.1% melee damage',
  GolemShield = {
    id = 8355,
    name = 'Sentry Shield',
    description = 'The discarded breast piece of a core sentry. It has just the right size to be used as a great shield and the ancient gemstone in its center sometimes shoots out energy as it blocks enemy attacks.',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    mechanic = 1,
    mechanicValue = 0.7,
    mechanicDescription = 'Off-hand use: Shield yourself and reduce any incoming damage by 70%',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+19 max health',
      '+22 armor',
      '+30% chance on block to release energy shockwaves dealing damage equal to what was blocked',
  RoyalGel = {
    id = 8356,
    name = 'Royal Gel',
    description = 'A blob of slime with a tiny crown in its center. With the right headpiece you can reign over all slimes.',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    partOfSetItems = 'KingSlimeSet',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      'Any nearby enemies movement speed is slowed down by -15.3%',
  CrystalMeteorShardOffhand = {
    id = 8357,
    name = 'Crystal Meteor Chunk',
    description = 'A very big ancient gemstone fused from smaller shards. It emits a strange energy that makes you feel nauseous and feverish.',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+6 blue glow',
      '-22.9% armor',
      '+22.9% damage dealt by you and all nearby allies',
  LavaShield = {
    id = 8358,
    name = 'Scorching Aegis',
    description = 'The crust of molten rock, formed to be wielded like a shield.',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    mechanic = 1,
    mechanicValue = 0.7,
    mechanicDescription = 'Off-hand use: Shield yourself and reduce any incoming damage by 70%',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+23 max health',
      '+25 armor',
      'Deals +48 damage to all nearby enemies when blocking with the shield',
  ConceiledBlade = {
    id = 8359,
    name = 'Concealed Blade',
    description = 'A knife attached to a wrist band hidden among layers of fabric. It\'s perfect for an unsuspected stealth attack.',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+12% critical hit chance',
  SmithingGlove = {
    id = 8360,
    name = 'Smithing Glove',
    description = 'Reinforced with several rare materials, this glove can withstand great heat and is a must have for every experienced blacksmith.',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+11 armor',
      '+19% damage against burning targets',
  OracleDeck = {
    id = 8361,
    name = 'Oracle Deck',
    description = 'The complete set of oracle cards. Bringing them together strangely restored the cards to perfect condition and now they emit a powerful, enlightening aura.',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+48 max health',
      '+4.2 health every sec to you and all nearby allies',
  CoreEye = {
    id = 8362,
    name = 'Core Iris',
    description = 'A manufactured crystal that looks like the eye of the core. This one is raw and unfinished, as if something interrupted the process.',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+62 mining damage',
      '+4 glow',
      '+10% chance to gain an additional ore from walls containing ores',
  BaitFishBitesFaster = {
    id = 8380,
    name = 'Spicy Bait',
    description = 'A well-seasoned type of bait that attracts fish more quickly.',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Common',
    mechanic = 3,
    mechanicValue = 0,
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      'Fish bites +9% faster',
  BaitIncreasedChanceToGetFish = {
    id = 8381,
    name = 'Sweet Bait',
    description = 'A sugary type of bait that increases the chance of catching fish instead of loot.',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Common',
    mechanic = 3,
    mechanicValue = 0,
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+10% chance to get a fish on the hook',
  BaitIncreasedChanceToGetFishLoot = {
    id = 8382,
    name = 'Glowing Bait',
    description = 'A luminous type of bait that increases the chance of pulling up loot.',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Common',
    mechanic = 3,
    mechanicValue = 0,
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+10% chance to get a valuable or other non-fish item on the hook when fishing',
  BaitFishStartsCloserToBeReeledIn = {
    id = 8383,
    name = 'Sticky Bait',
    description = 'An icky type of bait that pulls fish closer before they even bite.',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Common',
    mechanic = 3,
    mechanicValue = 0,
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      'Fish starts +7% closer to be reeled in',
  BaitOctopusBoss = {
    id = 8384,
    name = 'Expert Lure',
    description = 'This lure consists of multiple edible and magical components, attracting the one big catch that lingers in deep waters. Is consumed on successful use.',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    mechanic = 3,
    mechanicValue = 0,
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = false,
  BaitIncreaseChanceOfHigherRarityFish = {
    id = 8385,
    name = 'Purple Bait',
    description = 'A shimmering bait that catches the eye of more rare fish.',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    mechanic = 3,
    mechanicValue = 0,
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+21% chance for higher rarity fish to bite',
  BaitFishBitesFasterAndIncreasedChanceToGetFish = {
    id = 8386,
    name = 'Green Bait',
    description = 'A pointy bait that can stick to fish from the outside to catch more and catch them faster.',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    mechanic = 3,
    mechanicValue = 0,
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      'Fish bites +7% faster',
      '+7% chance to get a fish on the hook',
  BaitFishBitesFasterAndStartsCloserToBeReeledIn = {
    id = 8387,
    name = 'Red Bait',
    description = 'A wiggly bait that looks like a red worm, quickly drawing fish closer to you before they bite.',
    type = 'Offhand',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    mechanic = 3,
    mechanicValue = 0,
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      'Fish bites +8% faster',
      'Fish starts +6% closer to be reeled in',
  CavePouch = {
    id = 8400,
    name = 'Cave Pouch',
    description = 'Every underground miner needs one of those!',
    type = 'Bag',
    rarity = 'Common',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = false,
  GhormsStomachBag = {
    id = 8401,
    name = 'Ghorm\'s Stomach Bag',
    description = 'A well-preserved stomach portion of the Devourer, comes with a handy strap.',
    type = 'Bag',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = false,
  ScarletShellBackpack = {
    id = 8402,
    name = 'Scarlet Shell Backpack',
    description = 'A hard-case backpack with lots of space and additional protection. ',
    type = 'Bag',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+11 armor',
  ExplorerBackpack = {
    id = 8403,
    name = 'Explorer Backpack',
    description = 'A simple backpack made for traveling the underground caves. Holds quite a few items.',
    type = 'Bag',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+1% movement speed',
  OctarineBackpack = {
    id = 8404,
    name = 'Octarine Bag',
    description = 'A strange bag that has more space inside than it looks like from the outside.',
    type = 'Bag',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+13 armor',
      '+3 blue glow',
  MorphaBag = {
    id = 8405,
    name = 'Morpha\'s Bubble Bag',
    description = 'An elastic bag with lot\'s of space that formed from one of Morpha\'s outer growths.',
    type = 'Bag',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+4.7% movement speed',
      '+12% mining damage',
  CopperCrossNecklace = {
    id = 8800,
    name = 'Copper Cross Necklace',
    description = 'This pendant sharpens the focus, allowing for more precise hits.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Common',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+5% critical hit chance',
  GrubEggNecklace = {
    id = 8801,
    name = 'Grub Egg Necklace',
    description = 'This odd necklace seems to have a life of its own.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    partOfSetItems = 'LarvaRingAndNecklace',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+18.1% melee damage',
  IronChunkNecklace = {
    id = 8802,
    name = 'Iron Chunk Necklace',
    description = 'A heavy piece of jewelry that increases defence.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+12 armor',
  HeartBerryNecklace = {
    id = 8803,
    name = 'Heart Berry Necklace',
    description = 'A heart berry on the neck makes for an easy snack!',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+0.7 health every sec',
  AmmoniteNecklace = {
    id = 8804,
    name = 'Ammonite Necklace',
    description = 'Simple but beautiful necklace featuring a fossil.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+22 max health',
      '+13 armor',
  GoldCrystalNecklace = {
    id = 8805,
    name = 'Gold Crystal Necklace',
    description = 'A shiny trinket combining the most valuable of materials.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+9% melee damage',
      '+9.4% range damage',
  BlobRosaryNecklace = {
    id = 8806,
    name = 'Blob Rosary Necklace',
    description = 'Sticky necklace infused with energy made for an unknown purpose.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    partOfSetItems = 'SlimeRingAndNecklace',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+15 max health',
  AzeosBeakNecklace = {
    id = 8807,
    name = 'Azeos Beak Necklace',
    description = 'Forged from a piece of the sky titan\'s beak.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+3 life on melee hit',
      '+41 mining damage',
  RemedaisyNecklace = {
    id = 8808,
    name = 'Remedaisy Necklace',
    description = 'Jewelry made from a rare plant that repels poison.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      'Immune to poison',
  AncientGuardianNecklace = {
    id = 8809,
    name = 'Ancient Guardian Necklace',
    description = 'A truly powerful relic of the past, made for fending off the strongest of foes.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+17% reduced damage taken from bosses',
  MoldVeinNecklace = {
    id = 8810,
    name = 'Mold Vein Necklace',
    description = 'A circle of white organic filaments, it latches onto the skin.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    partOfSetItems = 'MoldRingAndNecklace',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+23.7% range damage',
  CaveGuppyNecklace = {
    id = 8811,
    name = 'Cave Guppy Necklace',
    description = 'Odd necklace made from a fish that never let go of the hook.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+6% dodge chance',
  BubblePearlNecklace = {
    id = 8812,
    name = 'Bubble Pearl Necklace',
    description = 'Natural grown jewelry made from rare bubble pearls.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+12 max health',
      '+7 armor',
      '+6% dodge chance',
  PolishedCopperCrossNecklace = {
    id = 8813,
    name = 'Polished Copper Cross Necklace',
    description = 'This pendant sharpens the focus, allowing for more precise hits.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+8% critical hit chance',
      '+18% critical hit damage',
  PolishedIronChunkNecklace = {
    id = 8814,
    name = 'Polished Iron Chunk Necklace',
    description = 'A heavy piece of jewelry that increases defence.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+20 armor',
      '+38 max health',
  PolishedGoldCrystalNecklace = {
    id = 8815,
    name = 'Polished Gold Crystal Necklace',
    description = 'A shiny trinket combining the most valuable of materials.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+21.3% melee damage',
      '+22.5% range damage',
  AncientGemNecklace = {
    id = 8816,
    name = 'Ancient Gem Necklace',
    description = 'A necklace crafted with only using ancient gemstones as well as a super rare white version.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    partOfSetItems = 'AncientGemRingAndNecklace',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+2.8% melee attack speed',
      '+2.8% mining speed',
  SkullNecklace = {
    id = 8817,
    name = 'Skull Necklace',
    description = 'A morbid necklace made from tiny caveling skulls. They\'re too small to have been children.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    partOfSetItems = 'SkullRingAndNecklace',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '-26 max health',
      '+9% range attack speed',
  EostreNecklace = {
    id = 8818,
    name = 'Eostre Necklace',
    description = 'A curved twig holding a golden egg at its end. It is a sign of renewal and fertility.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    partOfSetItems = 'EasterSet',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+10.3% extra harvest chance',
      '+4.9% movement speed',
  DiverNecklace = {
    id = 8819,
    name = 'Neptune Necklace',
    description = 'A true trinket of the sea, made from kelp and a trident pendant. Mistaking you for a mythic sea ruler, fish come to you more often.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    partOfSetItems = 'DiverSet',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+53 fishing',
  OmorothNecklace = {
    id = 8820,
    name = 'Omoroth\'s Necklace',
    description = 'A piece of jewelry with a striking likeness to the sea titan. Wearing it you feel like in tune with the Sunken Sea, enhancing your body in multiple ways.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+7 armor',
      '+5% dodge chance',
      '+7.1% damage',
      '+10% mining damage',
      '+3.5% movement speed',
      '+4 blue glow',
  OctarineNecklace = {
    id = 8821,
    name = 'Octarine Necklace',
    description = 'A necklace made from pure octarine filled with magic energy.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+5.8% melee and range attack speed',
  ScarletChunkNecklace = {
    id = 8822,
    name = 'Scarlet Chunk Necklace',
    description = 'The scarlet variant of an iron chunk necklace. It raises your defense even more and gives additional benefits.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+19 armor',
  CoralAmulet = {
    id = 8823,
    name = 'Coral Amulet',
    description = 'A necklace made with a pretty coral badge and white pebbles.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+11% boat speed',
  PolishedOctarineNecklace = {
    id = 8824,
    name = 'Polished Octarine Necklace',
    description = 'A necklace made from pure octarine filled with magic energy.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+7.6% melee and range attack speed',
      '+5.5% movement speed',
  PolishedScarletChunkNecklace = {
    id = 8825,
    name = 'Polished Scarlet Chunk Necklace',
    description = 'The scarlet variant of an iron chunk necklace. It raises your defense even more and gives additional benefits.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+26 armor',
      '+12% dodge chance',
  PolishedCoralAmulet = {
    id = 8826,
    name = 'Polished Coral Amulet',
    description = 'A necklace made with a pretty coral badge and white pebbles.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+17% boat speed',
      '+12% chance for higher rarity fish to bite',
  ConchShellNecklace = {
    id = 8827,
    name = 'Conch Shell Necklace',
    description = 'A beautiful necklace featuring a small shell. When you hold it up to your ear you can hear distant waves.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+25 max health',
      '+14 armor',
      '+8% dodge chance',
  OceanHeartNecklace = {
    id = 8828,
    name = 'Oceanheart Necklace',
    description = 'A big blue diamond is the centerpiece of this extraordinary treasure. You feel loved when holding it up to your chest. ',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+42 max health',
      '+21% more healing from health over time regeneration',
  RustedNecklace = {
    id = 8829,
    name = 'Rusted Necklace',
    description = 'This pendant used to look pretty but now it\'s rusted to the core. ',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Common',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+19% mining damage',
  TorcNecklace = {
    id = 8830,
    name = 'Torc Necklace',
    description = 'A piece of jewelry for the neck that\'s merely a hoop with a gap. Worn by many different cultures throughout world history.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+16.3% damage',
  RaAkarNecklace = {
    id = 8831,
    name = 'Ra-Akar\'s Necklace',
    description = 'A necklace of the desert with a strong resemblance of the sand titan. Wearing it grants you additional protection and extra damage.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    partOfSetItems = 'ScarabSet',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+24 max health',
      '+11 armor',
      '+15 thorns damage',
  NomadNecklace = {
    id = 8832,
    name = 'Nomad Necklace',
    description = 'Made from ragged cloth and metal badges this witness of the desert gives you a keen advantage on attacks.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    partOfSetItems = 'NomadSet',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+40 max health',
      '+28% critical hit damage',
  BoneNecklace = {
    id = 8833,
    name = 'Bone Necklace',
    description = 'A primitive piece of jewelry made from small bones. Early humans have also made these for many different reasons.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+10 armor',
      '+9% critical hit chance',
  BlackNecklace = {
    id = 8834,
    name = 'Black Necklace',
    description = 'A necklace made from pitch-black metal that leaves dark smudges on your neck.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    partOfSetItems = 'MinerSet',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+62 mining damage',
      '+3.7% mining speed',
  FlameNecklace = {
    id = 8835,
    name = 'Flame Necklace',
    description = 'A mysterious necklace with a burning pendant. It glows intensively but doesn\'t scorch the skin.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    partOfSetItems = 'FlameSet',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+59 burn damage applied on hit',
  FusionedChunkNecklace = {
    id = 8836,
    name = 'Fusioned Chunk Necklace',
    description = 'A misshappen necklace that combines chunks of all kinds of materials.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+21 max health',
      '+11 armor',
      '+7 life on melee hit',
  SamhainOfferingNecklace = {
    id = 8837,
    name = 'Samhain Offering Necklace',
    description = 'A blessed necklace offered as a gift to farewell the warm season. It represents the harvest and the evening sun.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    partOfSetItems = 'SamhainSet',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+4 life on melee hit',
      '+45% damage',
  ValentineNecklace = {
    id = 8838,
    name = 'Valentine Necklace',
    description = 'A golden necklace featuring a big, shiny heart. You feel something you can\'t describe, when wearing it so close to your own.',
    type = 'Necklace',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    partOfSetItems = 'CupidSet',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+7% more healing from health over time regeneration',
  ClotRing = {
    id = 8850,
    name = 'Clot Ring',
    description = 'A blood-red ring that latches onto your finger.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+3 life on melee hit',
  LarvaRing = {
    id = 8851,
    name = 'Larva Ring',
    description = 'A living ring, not for the squirmish to wear.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    partOfSetItems = 'LarvaRingAndNecklace',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+21 max health',
  WoodenThornRing = {
    id = 8852,
    name = 'Wooden Thorn Ring',
    description = 'A circular, brambly root with sharp thorns pointing outward.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+22 thorns damage',
  GlowTulipRing = {
    id = 8853,
    name = 'Glow Tulip Ring',
    description = 'A luminous ring that holds the essence of glow tulips.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+3 blue glow',
  SwiftRing = {
    id = 8854,
    name = 'Swift Ring',
    description = 'Wearing this winged ring creates a slight wind that pushes you forward.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+6.9% movement speed',
  RingOfRock = {
    id = 8855,
    name = 'Ring of Rock',
    description = 'Simple ring found in the deepest of rocks.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    partOfSetItems = 'RockAndStoneRings',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+13 armor',
  RingOfStone = {
    id = 8856,
    name = 'Ring of Stone',
    description = 'Simple ring carved out of stone.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    partOfSetItems = 'RockAndStoneRings',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+14 mining damage',
  GoldCrystalRing = {
    id = 8857,
    name = 'Gold Crystal Ring',
    description = 'A precious ring featuring ancient gemstones.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+17.3% range damage',
  MeltingCrystalRing = {
    id = 8858,
    name = 'Melting Crystal Ring',
    description = 'A gooey ring dripping slippery slime on the floor.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    partOfSetItems = 'SlimeRingAndNecklace',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+7% dodge chance',
  SkyRing = {
    id = 8859,
    name = 'Sky Ring',
    description = 'This ring reminds you of the wide open sky.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+7% critical hit chance',
      '+13.5% melee damage',
  CavelingMothersRing = {
    id = 8860,
    name = 'Caveling Mother\'s Ring',
    description = 'An old crystal ring, holding it fills you with a sad feeling you can\'t describe.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+1.6 health every sec',
  PetalRing = {
    id = 8861,
    name = 'Petal Ring',
    description = 'A precious ring that has naturally grown in the yellow blossoms of the jungle caves.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+31 max health',
      '+22.7% extra harvest chance',
  MoldRing = {
    id = 8862,
    name = 'Mold Ring',
    description = 'A soft ring slowly releasing mold spores.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    partOfSetItems = 'MoldRingAndNecklace',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+13% critical hit chance',
  RustedRing = {
    id = 8863,
    name = 'Rusted Ring',
    description = 'A ring from the depths that someone must have lost long time ago.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+7 armor',
  SeaFoamRing = {
    id = 8864,
    name = 'Sea Foam Ring',
    description = 'A translucent ring that looks like a wave frozen in time.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+51 fishing',
  PolishedGoldCrystalRing = {
    id = 8865,
    name = 'Polished Gold Crystal Ring',
    description = 'A precious ring featuring an ancient gemstone.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+19.9% range damage',
      '+3.5% range attack speed',
  PolishedGlowTulipRing = {
    id = 8866,
    name = 'Polished Glow Tulip Ring',
    description = 'A luminous ring that holds the essence of glow tulips.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+4 blue glow',
      '+1 health every sec',
  PolishedSwiftRing = {
    id = 8867,
    name = 'Polished Swift Ring',
    description = 'Wearing this winged ring creates a slight wind that pushes you forward.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+7.1% movement speed',
      '+3.2% melee attack speed',
  AncientGemRing = {
    id = 8868,
    name = 'Ancient Gem Ring',
    description = 'This mysterious ring is entirely made out of ancient gemstones, featuring a super rare white one.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    partOfSetItems = 'AncientGemRingAndNecklace',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+17% critical hit damage',
      '+62 mining damage',
  IvyRing = {
    id = 8869,
    name = 'Ivy\'s Ring',
    description = 'An organic ring grown from slime covered thorns. ',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    partOfSetItems = 'IvySet',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+4.5% range attack speed',
  SkullRing = {
    id = 8870,
    name = 'Skull Ring',
    description = 'A grotesque blood-red ring, crested with a tiny caveling skull.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    partOfSetItems = 'SkullRingAndNecklace',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '-29 max health',
      '+8.6% melee attack speed',
  OstaraRing = {
    id = 8871,
    name = 'Ostara Ring',
    description = 'A ring made of leaves and small golden eggs. It is a sign of emerging life and spring.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    partOfSetItems = 'EasterSet',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+7% dodge chance',
      '+0.9 health every sec',
  MorphaRing = {
    id = 8872,
    name = 'Morpha\'s Ring',
    description = 'A strange, little loop made from blue slime, it almost slides off of your finger.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    partOfSetItems = 'MorphaSet',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+36% critical hit damage',
  CoralRing = {
    id = 8873,
    name = 'Coral Ring',
    description = 'An intricate ring naturally grown from pink, branchy corals.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+45 max health',
      '+6% boat speed',
  DiverRing = {
    id = 8874,
    name = 'Goldfish Ring',
    description = 'A quite lively little ring that tries to swim off of your finger. By the time it realizes it\'s merely a ring it has already forgot about it again.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    partOfSetItems = 'DiverSet',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      'Fish bites +13% faster',
  LuckyRing = {
    id = 8875,
    name = 'Lucky Ring',
    description = 'A cheaply made ring from a vending machine. If you believe hard enough you may feel more lucky.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+7% chance to gain an additional ore from walls containing ores',
      '+7% chance to get a valuable or other non-fish item on the hook when fishing',
  AncientGuardianRing = {
    id = 8876,
    name = 'Ancient Guardian Ring',
    description = 'A relic that is made in the same way as the Ancient Guardian Necklace, made for fending off the strongest of foes.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+18 max health',
      '+9% reduced damage taken from bosses',
  OmorothRing = {
    id = 8877,
    name = 'Omoroth\'s Ring',
    description = 'A plated looping tentacle that wraps around your finger. Stemming from a titan, it enhances your might in fighting these giant monsters.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+13% damage against bosses',
      '+3 life on melee hit',
  OctarineRing = {
    id = 8878,
    name = 'Octarine Ring',
    description = 'A ring made from pure octarine enhanced with magic properties.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+2.9% melee attack speed',
      '+2.9% range attack speed',
  MagneticRing = {
    id = 8879,
    name = 'Magnetic Ring',
    description = 'A strange ring that pulls in loot around you in a higher radius. Magnets, how do they work?',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+108% pickup radius',
  GoldenSpikeRing = {
    id = 8880,
    name = 'Golden Spike Ring',
    description = 'This golden ring is very uncomfortable to wear but it looks really cool.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+6% critical hit chance',
      '+11 thorns damage',
  PolishedOctarineRing = {
    id = 8881,
    name = 'Polished Octarine Ring',
    description = 'A ring made from pure octarine enhanced with magic properties.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+4.2% melee attack speed',
      '+4.2% range attack speed',
      '+4.2% mining speed',
  PolishedMagneticRing = {
    id = 8882,
    name = 'Polished Magnetic Ring',
    description = 'A strange ring that pulls in loot around you in a higher radius. Magnets, how do they work?',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+125% pickup radius',
      '+24% explosives damage',
  PolishedGoldenSpikeRing = {
    id = 8883,
    name = 'Polished Golden Spike Ring',
    description = 'This golden ring is very uncomfortable to wear but it looks really cool.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+9% critical hit chance',
      '+22% critical hit damage',
      '+18 thorns damage',
  SpineRing = {
    id = 8884,
    name = 'Spine Ring',
    description = 'A ring found at the skeleton of a giant ocean creature. It\'s made from tiny cervical vertebrae.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+28% damage against bosses',
  WoodenRing = {
    id = 8885,
    name = 'Wooden Ring',
    description = 'A simple wooden ring, nothing more, nothing less.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Common',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+29 max health',
  TopazRing = {
    id = 8886,
    name = 'Topaz Ring',
    description = 'A precious little ring with a yellow gemstone on top.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+23% mining damage',
  WhiteGlassRing = {
    id = 8887,
    name = 'White Glass Ring',
    description = 'This ring is made from a milky, translucent material. The light it reflects makes it harder for enemies to hit you.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Common',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+18 max health',
      '+6% dodge chance',
  SeptumRing = {
    id = 8888,
    name = 'Septum Ring',
    description = 'A golden piece of jewelry that\'s not put onto the finger but rather on the nose.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+19 armor',
  RingOfSand = {
    id = 8889,
    name = 'Ring of Sand',
    description = 'A strange ring made from sand that is held together by the currents of time. ',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Epic',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      'Any nearby enemies movement speed is slowed down by -13.4%',
  BoneRing = {
    id = 8890,
    name = 'Bone Ring',
    description = 'A prehistoric, crude ring made from bone. Rings like these have been discovered in early human graves.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+10 armor',
      '+8% critical hit chance',
  NomadRing = {
    id = 8891,
    name = 'Nomad Ring',
    description = 'This small finger band is made from ragged cloth to keep it from heating up in the scorching desert valleys.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    partOfSetItems = 'NomadSet',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+46 max health',
      '+17.7% damage',
  BlackRing = {
    id = 8892,
    name = 'Black Ring',
    description = 'A ring made from pitch-black metal, darkened by the constant presence of immense heat.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    partOfSetItems = 'MinerSet',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+8 armor',
      '+49 mining damage',
      '+2.3% mining speed',
  FlameRing = {
    id = 8893,
    name = 'Flame Ring',
    description = 'This strange ring produces a flame that affects anything but its wearer.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    partOfSetItems = 'FlameSet',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+7% dodge chance',
      '+27 burn damage applied on hit',
  BombRing = {
    id = 8894,
    name = 'Bomb Ring',
    description = 'A ring crowned with a little bomb idol. Handling explosives while wearing it results in an even stronger blast.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+45 max health',
      '+27% explosives damage',
  NobleRing = {
    id = 8895,
    name = 'Noble Ring',
    description = 'An expensive looking ring featuring a ruby. It must have belonged to someone wealthy.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+37 max health',
      '+20% more healing from health over time regeneration',
  DoubleRing = {
    id = 8896,
    name = 'Double Ring',
    description = 'This ring is made to be put an two fingers at the same time. Revolutionary.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+5.5% damage',
      '+1.8% melee and range attack speed',
      '+4% critical hit chance',
      '+9% critical hit damage',
  SamhainCurseRing = {
    id = 8897,
    name = 'Samhain Curse Ring',
    description = 'A cursed ring that was used to welcome the cold season into the lands. It represents decay and darkness.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Rare',
    partOfSetItems = 'SamhainSet',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+6% chance to apply poison on hit, reduces enemy healing received by 75%',
      '+38% damage',
  ValentineRing = {
    id = 8898,
    name = 'Valentine Ring',
    description = 'A golden ring featuring a candy-colored heart. The perfect gift to give to someone you like.',
    type = 'Ring',
    rarity = 'Uncommon',
    partOfSetItems = 'CupidSet',
    givesConditionsWhenEquipped = {
      '+0.7 health every sec',
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